

sinulle joka olet päätynyt sivuilleni. Olen ollut pidemmällä äitysvapaalla mitä luulinkaan ja vielä ainakin jatkuu jonkun aikaa. Tässä "sivussa" olen jatkanut psykosynteesi opintoja. Muutaman päivän päästä onkin loppunäyttökoe psykosynteesi ryhmä ohjaamisesta/opettamisesta. On ollut todella antoisaa. Tämä siis on ollut jatkokoulutusta psykosynteesi valmennukseen.

Meillä täällä Hollannissa ollaan jo pidenpään saatu nauttia keväästä ja ihan kesäisistäkin päivistä välillä.
Kesällä tulemme Suomeen joksikin aikaa, ihanaa.

Instagramia olen päivitellyt jonkun verran, eli sieltä "uusimmat" päivitykset nähtävillä.

Tänne myös kyllä päivitän, kun jotain työhön liittyvää tuloillaan.

Toivottavasti siellä kaikki hyvin.




Welcome Unknown

Staying a bit longer,

before words, before act, before thinking

Observing a bit longer

Allowing the unknown

Staying with the experience

of the unknown

This welcoming the unknown; inspired by Thomas Yeomans (Psychosynthesis pioneer), article “The Corona Progress: Group work in Spiritual Context (1996).

He for example says: ‘Let the unknown of your, and others', experience simply be, rather than seeking to explain, or control, events immediately’, also ‘not move prematurely to solve problems and provide solutions.’ Also ‘be curious, wonder, welcome unknown. Learn to be comfortable with the Unknown and study in yourself what keeps you from this.’

Last sentence of studying yourself what keeps you from this is helping us to expand our consciousness. Learn our patterns, traits. When the consciousness expands we have more room to live freely, moving from the autopilot to presence. We are more comfortable with now, more in our center or closer to it and acting from that place.

So maybe you would like to observe this for the coming week. Inviting an opportunity to slow down, being with the unknown, however that appears to you in some moments and see what might start to happen.. it might be just the matter of seconds. Inventing curiosity, before (re)acting. Getting comfortable with not knowing. Maybe even learning more of your personality, which can evolve, which also affects the personal life.

“This is a work of lifetime, and the old patterns certainly remain present, but they no longer have the energy stored in them that would influence and affect present behaviour.” By Thomas Yeomans, book Holy Fire, The process of Soul Awakening

So, Welcome Unknown?


New life

Birth of the new life is getting closer 🌱💝

Wish you all have been enjoying the beautiful summer time.

Work wise the plan is to later on to hold online Guidance for individuals and Psychosynthesis online groups whenever the time is right.

Psychosynthesis coaching is already now available thorough my partner if you like:
www.liviniconscious.life (me and my partners site).

Psychosynthesis supports to live this life as fully as possible. Through the soul ✨️
You can find many posts and practices of Psychosynthesis here, if this calls you.

Wishing to be connecting with you somewere in future ❤️




is that physical, emotional and mental place from where you have no need to escape from ❤️
Within you and in connection with life around..
What are the blocks that makes you escape home? And how could you overcome them to be truly you?

#kms✍ #home #life #psychosynthesis #psykosynteesi #coaching #psychosynthesiscoaching
#wholeness #growth #heart #soul #inspiration #potential #presence #meditation #consciousness #text #arts #thoughts #poem #poetry #words #quotation


Psychosynthesis can awaken us more fully into life

Thomas Yeomans, Ph.D categories these awakenings in his book Holy Fire in very clear way:

* There is self awareness (will to look inside) and capability to observe and be aware of your experiences. The self / the space of I / the centeredness can be daily, however there are instances when this is not happening and we stay dominated by our unconscious material and driven by different unconscious impulses and needs. Here self reflective capability is necessary for the center becoming more rooted.

* Second is the awareness of our soul and being able to express from there. Here is a shift from identity from personality to soul.

* Third is the awakening to this world here rather than above it. It is transcendence to descendence. Soul expresses down and in rather than up and out.

* Fourth is the synthesis of the second and third and contains the word "realization". To really realize who we are and make this real in this world. There is also the realization of who we are in the universe and an experience of total interrelatedness and interbeing with all Life near and far.

Note: Existential/duality crises may be occurring and here can be crises in between the relationship with soul and personality. For instance; personality may be well integrated, but cuts off from any connection to the soul. Also, the personality can be "spiritualized" and thinks it's close to the soul, but in fact, is trapped in spiritual-seeming identifications and so, caught in a duality between personality and soul.

Psychosynthesis supports to live this life as fully as possible. Through the soul ✨️
Psychosynthesis Coaching is possible through @livingconsciouslife (me and my partners account) and if retreat calls, then check: @kadermoconsciousliving ✨️

Kadermo has always been such a beautiful place to be 💖 Actually in today's guided meditation by @beinghome.nu I had an image of me standing in a path in Kadermo when Rolandjan asked something such as; to be in "beingness", beyond identifications.. 🌠 I don't remember exact words at all, but that feeling of freedom, lightness and joy.. 💝